Interiors (with text)



Gramercy Park

Carnegie Hill

Greenwich Village

Gramercy Square

Gramercy Park

In the heart of New York’s historic Gramercy Park hides an eclectic record of the world seen through the lens of a camera. Home to a prolific photo journalist who spent the last decade living among and documenting the master craftspeople of Japan, the Kanaval in Haiti, and the changing landscape of Cuba, it contained an abundance of inspirational threads to pull from.

On the other hand, the landmark 1929 Neo-Gothic architecture demands the same respect. Its iconic black steel casement windows and limestone arches define the façade of the storied neighborhood.

Our task was not to find common ground in compromise, nor to treat one as a backdrop to the other. Rather, to provide the glue within which both would naturally support and challenge each other, becoming so much more than the sum of their parts.

Among the plastered linen walls, the Japanese Sugi wood panels and Moroccan shag rugs, the art and artifacts so patiently collected from around the world find their home. For it is at home that we are most natural and beautiful.

Carnegie Hill

The second we walked into this historic Park Avenue home we felt the charm of a life honest to itself. Every element had its place and orientation in such a natural way that only time could have been its designer. Even the morning light felt like it had lived there all its life. We were asked to freshen it up as its last update was 30 years ago and our highest priority was to not disturb that intangibly precious sparkle.

Colonial style striped drapes were replaced with ivory silk moiré so subtle it catches only when the light moves across it. A bedside rocking chair that nursed three generations was reupholstered, carefully preserving its maternal warmth. Lightly embroidered shams were chosen to complement darling hand sketches of grandchildren.

Greenwich Village

Studio of a design creative. “A welcoming living space in which to meet clients that feels classic but not old-fashioned, sophisticated but not flashy, comfortable but not casual.” Those were our instructions.

What resulted was a range of European antiques spanning two centuries that all deftly toed those lines. Draped in lush silk velvet fabrics they transcend time to form this decidedly contemporary space.

Gramercy Square

West End (in progress)

East 74th (in progress)